Interview with one of the owners of elephants that are to be exterminated


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  10 months ago
Admin | 8 subscribers
  10 months ago

Marilieze Roelofsz, one of the 4 trustees that own Mawana game reserve and the herd facing execution, gives a history of the elephants, and how they arrived at this terrible situation.

We have removed the email of the wildlife authorities. We have received feedback that they have been subject to abuse and vitriol. I hope none of our viewers are responsible. People who are not entirely familiar with extremely complex situation should not be abusive to ANYONE involved. Ezemvelo Kzn Wildlife are in an insidious situation - they are being pressured from all sides. Our call has been for viewers to plead for a non-lethal solution. Vitriol is counter productive! Apologies are in order.

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