Showing 76 to 80 of 105 blog articles.
It needs to stop: Killing Contest!

Wildlife Killing Contests

Photo by Matt Knoth

Wildlife killing contests are organized events in which participants kill animals within a certain timeframe for cash, prizes, entertainment, or other inducements. Teams compete in judging categories that often focus on the number of animals killed, the weight or the sex of animals killed, particular species killed, or smallest or largest body or body part of the animal killed. Contests frequently involve betting and end with a check-in or weigh-in of the animals, followed by a party where contest prizes are awarded. Afterwards, away from public view, the carcasses of the animals are usually dumped.

Wildlife killing contests are cruel and have no place in a civil society or in modern wildlife management. Contests usually target native carnivores, including coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions, and foxes, as well as smaller animals, such as squirrels and rabbits. These events can result in hundreds of animals being wiped off a landscape in a single weekend. Such contests are antithetical to the respectful, ethical, and pro-conservation message necessary to ensure the long-term protection of our country’s wildlife. 

AWI is working to ban these contests at state and federal levels. We led the successful effort to ban killing contests in Colorado, and have engaged in advocacy work on this issue in other states as well, including in Arizona, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, Oregon, Virginia, and Washington. AWI is a member of the steering committee of the National Coalition to End Wildlife Killing Contests, which works to raise awareness about the issue; support action to ban contests through legislation, regulatory reform, and litigation; and advocate for humane wildlife management. As a steering committee member, AWI develops educational materials with the goal of ending all contests across the country.


1. Wildlife killing contests are cruel and contravene hunting principles

Wildlife killing contests are cruel, barbaric, and wasteful, which violates fundamental hunting principles. The very nature of these events—where participants are motivated by financial rewards to kill as many animals as allowed over a designated time period—increases the likelihood that participants will fail to abide by established hunting principles. Such principles generally promote the concept of “fair chase” and decry waste and indiscriminate killing. Contest participants frequently disregard the principle of fair chase, with participants using bait and electronic calling devices to attract animals with sounds that mimic prey or distress calls of wounded young in an attempt to maximize the chances of winning cash and prizes. The carcasses of the animals are usually wasted because they are rarely used for food or fur, and are commonly thrown away after weigh-in. Furthermore, an untold number of animals are orphaned or injured during these events. Killing adult bobcats, coyotes, foxes, and other species inevitably leaves dependent young to die from thirst, starvation, predation, or exposure.

Numerous state wildlife agencies and officials have recognized that killing contests undermine the reputation of hunters. Contests have been characterized by state officials as “slaughter fests” and “stomach-turning examples of wanton waste” that are “about personal profit [and] animal cruelty.” Investigation video footage has shown contest participants slinging dead coyotes and foxes into piles to be weighed and judged, joking about the methods used to lure and kill the animals, and laughing and posing for photos in front of a row of foxes strung up by their feet. Such behavior demonstrates a complete lack of respect for wildlife, promotes gratuitous violence, and sends the irresponsible and disturbing message that wanton killing is fun.

2. Wildlife killing contests undermine modern, science‐based wildlife management principles and are not an effective wildlife management tool

The indiscriminate killing promoted by wildlife killing contests is counterproductive to effective wildlife population management. Scientific studies have shown that many wildlife populations depleted by unnatural means simply reproduce more quickly due to the sudden drop in competition for resources and changes to social structure from the loss of individuals. This effect is well documented for coyote populations in particular, which are common targets of wildlife killing contests. State wildlife management agencies across the country have recognized that killing contests do not control coyote population size over the long term. In the short term, loss of coyotes negatively impacts the environment because the species is an integral part of healthy ecosystems.

3. Wildlife killing contests do not increase populations of game animals

The best available science indicates that indiscriminately killing native carnivores is not an effective method for increasing game species abundance. Many state wildlife commissions and agencies—including those in Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming—have concluded that reducing predator numbers will not enhance populations of ungulates, small game animals, and game birds. These findings demonstrate that this common rationale for holding killing contests targeting predators is scientifically unfounded.

4. Wildlife killing contests do not prevent conflicts with humans, pets, or livestock—and may increase them

Although some argue that contests are needed to reduce depredation of livestock, such contests are not effective in removing individual, problem-causing animals. Most killing contests target predators in woodlands and grasslands, where conflicts with humans, pets, and livestock are minimal. Studies have found that killing predators fragments social groups, which can increase the likelihood of livestock depredation. In a signed statement, more than 70 conservation scientists concluded that killing contests do not represent the kind of targeted effort required for effective management of livestock depredations, and that indiscriminate killing of predators is likely to exacerbate risks to livestock.


Eight states—Arizona, California, Colorado, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Vermont, and Washington—have enacted bans on certain types of wildlife killing contests. In 2014, the California Fish and Game Commission banned contests targeting game species, furbearers, and nongame mammals. In 2018, the Vermont General Assembly banned coyote-killing contests. In 2019, the New Mexico General Legislature banned coyote killing contests, the Arizona Fish and Game Commission banned contests for predator and furbearing species, and the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife banned contests for predator and furbearer species. In 2020, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission banned contests for furbearing species and certain small game species, and the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission banned contests for species without a bag limit. In 2021, the Maryland legislature banned contests targeting coyotes, foxes, and raccoons, with overwhelming bipartisan support. Additional states have pending legislation or have proposed rules that would limit wildlife killing contests.


Please take action to help end wildlife killing contests. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Learn more about wildlife killing contests from the National Coalition to End Wildlife Killing Contests.
  • Use this toolkit to learn how to advocate for bans on wildlife killing contests.
  • Call, send letters, and meet with your state legislators to encourage them to ban wildlife killing contests.
  • Call, send letters, and meet with your state’s wildlife agency staff and wildlife commissioners to encourage them to ban wildlife killing contests.
  • Encourage your city or county council to pass a resolution or an ordinance against wildlife killing contests. For guidance, review these sample resolutions
  • Write a letter to the editor of your newspaper to raise awareness about killing contests and to encourage readers to express their opposition to the contests to their lawmakers. 
  • Educate your family, neighbors, and friends by informing them about wildlife killing contests and what they can do to help end them. Hand out this informational postcard, post on social media, and ask people to fill out this blank postcard to send to policymakers.
  • Host a screening of Project Coyote’s award-winning documentary KILLING GAMES—Wildlife in the Crosshairs and invite stakeholders to attend.
  • Help shut down contests in your state by politely urging event hosts and sponsors to stop supporting killing wildlife for fun and prizes. Sample letters can be found in this toolkit.
  • Donate your time and/or provide financial support to wildlife protection organizations working to end wildlife killing contests.

  2 years ago
The Shooting Trap Part 2 - That’s Debateable

The Negative, which is positive
Key animals are targeted for qualities 
Often in their breeding prime
No head shots, can’t damage the goods
Commodities worth tens of thousands
That’s what animals are, but absolutely are not
It is outside of the ‘Arc of the moral universe’ MLK
Ethics have been excised, morals allowed to decay
Here’s where the real debate lies
Is hunting for conservation moral and ethical?
You can’t ask that, it’s not transactional
You can’t bank on it, can’t raise an invoice
Can’t raise $50,000 for a Lion’s life
Matching dollars for its stuffed head
If you can get it home, get it mounted
If you ask if this is right, the answer can’t be wrong!
Governments, and organisations and locals
Can’t afford that question, or the money will dry up
Coffers as dry as a waterhole in an African drought
No life-giving waters for living creatures
And creatures trying to make a living, by killing
Allowing killing, auctioning killing - highest bidding
Any animal you like, endangered or no
Just ask the 11 Critically Endangered Black Rhinos
South Africa is about to make a killing from their killing
And the money goes to…conservation - of Black Rhinos?!
Too late to ask the the two Tuskers of only 24 - now 22 to bring down
Moral bankruptcy will not stave off fiscal
First argument: it’s morally bankrupt 
Secondary: it’s not transactional in an ethical vacuum 
(like so much business as usual)
Second argument: Is it sanguine to indulge blood-lust?
The Joy of Killing - ‘Recreational Hunting’
Admittedly, sounds better than ‘Trophy’ says Nordic philosophy
Seeking a great white hope, inflowing currency 
Facilitating murderous intent, kill an animal
For reasons most can’t comprehend
Pose for a smiling pic, latest conquest
Even hold up a giraffe’s now not beating heart
Desperately seeking to kill, to show off a trophy
A head, a heart, an elephant’s foot ash tray
To adorn a grotesque mausoleum AKA living room 
All of this transactional, they showed you the money
To take it makes one complicit, in league 
Blood money maker, blood money taker
One needs the other to stain hands
Blood money drip-feeds down, to the ground
But hardly any, for the local enablers
Circles back to the search for a remedy
A way to pay locals for animals conserved
On the ground sentinels and Rangers 
Used to be called conservation, proper usage of language
Last argument: use the right words

  2 years ago
Three Chimps kidnapped from wildlife sanctuary for Ransom - here is what you can do to help!

 MojoStreaming encourages you to take these steps!   

 Step 1: Subscribe to MojoStreaming at

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Step 4: Leave us a tip to help us continue producing content at

Step 5: Do not like or reshare videos of everyday people that have wildlife as pets

Step 6: Many countries still allow wildlife import into their

country. Most wildlife that is being imported have been captured in the

wild, families of the species being killed, many not surviving the

journey, etc. Many also were captured illegally to be purchased for high


Step 7: We must demand stricter laws for wildlife trade, especially on endangered species.

Step 8: Some states in the USA made it legal to own an endangered

chimp, and across other countries – we need to demand changing the

status from legal to illegal

Step 9: We must demand stricter laws and punishment against illegal trade, exotic breeding, auctions of wildlife, etc.

Step 10: Educate yourself and others on the harm in taking a baby

from its mother or what the impact can be when a species goes extinct.

Learn by following our informative Mojo Talk Shows at

Here is one example of the effects on a species when people want to own a chimpanzee/ape as a pet.

To catch the babies, they have to kill the entire family in

the jungle, usually between 8 and 10 individual apes, and many of the

baby apes will die before reaching their final destination,” Chantereau

Many of the buyers of the smuggled babies are wealthy people

who want to keep exotic animals in their homes, according to Chantereau.


don’t understand the consequences of their actions because for one baby

to arrive in their hands, at least ten have been killed,” he said.

Keep in mind the harm to wildlife is mostly for money! It is a

multi-million dollar business. For example, if one is caught in the USA

for illegal trade of animals or illegal trade of body parts from

endangered animals, for example, ivory – the jail time and fines are

minimal; therefore, it does not encourage them to stop; this leads to

the next step of action.

Step 11: Contact your government demanding stricter laws. Vote for politicians willing to fight for wildlife and our planet.

Step 12: Financially support wildlife causes and/or wildlife sanctuaries and rescue groups.

Today we are encouraging you to follow

Donate to help Franck Chantereau and his kidnapped chimps at

MojoStreaming is a network where advocacy meets

entertainment. A channel dedicated to wildlife, our planet, and the

concerns of our environment.   Our vision is to rejuvenate the love for

wildlife through inspiration, creativity, and compassion.    Our Mission

is to ignite empathy for animals through mesmerizing and entertaining

content while educating the world about the importance of wildlife. The

goal is to become the voice of thousands of species and motivate our

audience to support and safeguard wildlife and the environment through

our content.   It is a site like no other, from educational wildlife

programming to live streaming in sanctuaries around the world to our

news/political channel that will keep you current on today’s issues we

are facing.  We invite you to be a part of our family; we can make a

difference by working together


  2 years ago
PLEASE ACT TODAY- 80 Federally Protected BLM Branded Mustangs & Burros at Risk of Slaughter

Please Call, Fax and Sign on to this Letter to Help!

RE: URGENT Matter to Rescue 80 Bureau of Land Management branded horses & burros from immediate endangerment

November 10, 2022

Dear President Biden and Secretary Haaland,

Today there are 80 federally protected horses and burros under the present threat of sale and export for slaughter in 8 States and are in urgent need of rescue.

We need your immediate help to instruct the Bureau of Land Management today to rescue 80 BLM-branded mustangs and burros from Livestock-kill buyer auctions and to save them now from the life-threatening danger of harm and the most brutal death in 1. Bowie, Texas, 2. Stroud, Oklahoma, 3. Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, 4. Peabody, Kansas, 5. Cleveland, Tennessee, 6. Asheboro, North Carolina, and 7. Cleburne, Texas, 8. Rusk, Texas, 9. Rollin hill Farm, Virginia, and 10. Southern Wisconsin. (Please see links below)

An emerging crisis is happening for the government-captured wild horse and burros and the 80% of Americans who oppose the grisly slaughter of these magnificent beings due to a massive influx of BLM-branded equines showing up in large numbers across the country in livestock slaughter auctions.

To resolve this tragic disaster, we need your help to issue an executive order, a "stay on the export of horses and burros for slaughter," to be executed to spare these magnificent and federally protected icons of freedom from unimaginable suffering.

The Extortion of BLM-branded horses and burros:
The livestock auctions force sanctuaries and citizens to bid against kill buyers for the BLM- branded horses. This extortion is creating an enormous burden to pay exorbitant prices to save these horses from horrific suffering that is unjustly and enormously falling upon citizens, sanctuaries, and rescues due to the BLM's expedited mass removals of wild horses and burros from public lands and the BLM's enticing $1,000. the adoption incentive program, many of the sanctuaries are presently full.

It is incredibly unethical to place the formerly free wild horses after capture in inhumane and life-threatening conditions and then charge back to citizens, to have no choice but to pay exorbitant fees to kill buyers, to save them from export for tortuous slaughter.

Solutions, in summary, we implore you to:

  1. Rescue the 80 endangered BLM-branded horses and burros suffering and in immediate danger in 10 livestock auctions (See links below)
  2. To stop the betrayal and extortion of the horses and burros, citizens, and nonprofit organizations: Enact a safety net humane care program for all adopted BLM- captured wild horses and burros, including fines for any person who causes harm, threat, or death and suffering to the horses. We also beseech you to create urgently needed safety for the BLM-captured mustangs and help stop the extortion of the horses by the horse slaughter exporter tradespeople; by imposing a new $5.000. Fine for neglectful adopters per horse for their egregious action in dumping and endangering the animals in livestock-kill buyer auctions, and after they pocketed the BLM's $1,000. entrustment adoption incentive.
  3. Support the will of the majority voice of the 80% of Americans who oppose horse slaughter by closing America's borders to export our horses for slaughter and by supporting moving the SAFE ACT HR 3355 and S 2732 forward for a vote by Congress and the Senate. “Transporting equines to slaughter echoes the "throw away" mentality
    that governs industrialization, extraction and plastic use which contributes to the degradation of the ecosystem and the planet.”- Lorna Torrey-Palermo, Founder AWE, Advocates for Wild Equines
  4. Work with nonprofit organizations such as LWH to adopt cost-effective solutions and new studies to manage free-roaming wild horses and heal our vast grasslands to help sustain them and save the horses and surrounding communities from wildfires and climate change.

We are ready to work with you to help shift the paradigm to implement compassionate solutions that will benefit the survival of our lands, wild ones, indigenous and surrounding communities, and all stakeholders today and for future generations.

"Climate change is real; we need to make changes as soon as we can, or else, we are self- destructing. The help we receive from wild horses will help us work on positive solutions for wild lands and the climate change crisis that Mother Earth and we all are facing. Horses are sacred to me, my people, and many people, and I ask that you do all within your power to protect them today." ~ Chief Lee Plenty Wolf, Director on LWH Board

The Free Roaming Wild horse and Burro Act of 1971 clearly state that the BLM shall not endanger or cause suffering or harm to the horses. The BLM's incentive program, and lack of a safety net to protect the horses after adoption from export to Mexico and other countries for sale to the most inhumane, brutal slaughter, are causing immense suffering and harm for thousands of horses.

The positive intent of this Law enacted is clear; a great deal of entrustment is granted to the BLM and its affiliates to honor its true purpose, and we are seeing many misinterpretations and wrongful manipulation of this Law harming the horses and burros and the land.

We need your help now to close these loopholes to truly protect the last of our wild horses and burros and our grassland ecosystems to survive and thrive today and for future generations to inherit.

Thank you in advance for your immediate address of this urgent situation, from all of us, and all the wild horses and burros,

Love Wild Horses!® a California grassroots Nonprofit 501C3 Office- 833- 2ReWild

LWH Directors on the Board:
Jetara Séhart, Founder and President
Chief Lee Plenty Wolf, Spiritual Leader and award-winning Prayer Drummer and Singer of the Oglala Lakota Nation, Founder, and President of White Horse Creek Council 501C3
Evelyn Arce, Founder, Indigenous Resilience Consulting LLC
Michael Stocker, Founder and Executive Director Ocean Conservation Research

Core Members:
Jackie Oliveri, Co-Founder, Nationwide Wild Horse Freedom Rallies, Core Member of Advocates for Wild Equines AWE, and National Coordinator for Love Wild Horses®

LWH Voices for the Wild Hones and Wild lands:
Dewey and Penny Bunnell, Rock Star and his beautiful wife, Founding Member of the band America

Links to the Livestock Auctions, where wild horses are suffering, and in immediate danger of export for slaughter and in need of rescue today:
# of Horses and Burros in URGENT Danger:
1. 11 Bowie, in TX:

2. 34 Stroud's OK: gjc_g4WnlHN8

3. 2 in Rotz in PA: YwT LbJjJ6uaCOSCNVxAaGDlJWKx
4. 3 Peabody's in KS: 101725224522129/?paipv=0&eav=AfbTi1vW_bsTrJAwvBWj1iF5DPiJyqIwqEcI8agNTrR5jd13um1 z0 qO98AUw5pD0mOs
5. 1 Saving Slaughter bound horses, in
6. 1 Last Chance-in
7. 15 -Load of Mustangs-Cleburne, in TX 9oC poojMpQWEnLFh229TdsFG6HZ140_43g&paipv=0
8. 1 Rusk, Texas:
9. 1 Rollin Hill Farm in VA.:
10. 1 Southern Wisconsin:

Additional Links for Reference: prove- letting-them-roam-helps-the-land/ congress-bcc27c0fb3b9410c3b2eb1101b4b5b86 begins- in-nevada and- indigenous-filmmakers-unite-in-let-them-live-love-wild-horses-a-raw-short-film staving- off-wildfires-and-the-impacts-of-global-warm


Contact President Biden: 

CALL: 202-456-1111 FAX 202-456-2461

To Contact Secretary Deb Haaland

Call: 202-208-3100 FAX: 202-208-5515


  2 years ago
How is climate change affecting wildlife?

1: How is climate change affecting wildlife?

The world we live in is changing at an alarming rate, and perhaps the most concerning change of all is climate change. This global phenomenon not only affects our environment but also has a profound impact on the wildlife that inhabits it. From rising temperatures to extreme weather events, animals are facing unprecedented challenges in their struggle for survival. In this blog post, we will delve into how climate change is affecting wildlife and what steps we can take to protect these precious creatures from its devastating effects. Join us as we explore the interplay between climate change and our beloved animal kingdom!

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2: What species are affected most from climate change?

The impact of climate change on wildlife is far-reaching, but certain species bear the brunt of its effects more than others. One such group is polar bears, whose icy habitats are rapidly melting due to rising temperatures. These majestic creatures rely on sea ice for hunting and raising their young, but with the Arctic ice diminishing at an alarming rate, their survival is under threat.

Similarly, coral reefs around the world are suffering immensely from warming ocean temperatures caused by climate change. Corals depend on a delicate balance of factors to thrive, including specific water temperatures. As these conditions shift, corals experience bleaching events that can lead to mass die-offs and irreparable damage to these vital ecosystems.

Another vulnerable species is the Adélie penguin found in Antarctica. With shrinking ice cover affecting their access to food sources like krill and fish, populations have been declining rapidly in recent years.

Birds migrating across vast distances also face challenges as climate patterns shift dramatically along their routes. Changes in temperature and availability of food can disrupt migration patterns and put immense stress on already threatened bird populations.

These examples represent just a fraction of the many species impacted by climate change. The consequences extend beyond individual animals; they affect entire ecosystems upon which countless other organisms rely for survival. Understanding which species are most affected allows us to prioritize conservation efforts and take action before it's too late for our precious wildlife counterparts.

3: How do animals survive forest fires?

Forest fires can be devastating, not only for humans but also for wildlife. These fierce blazes can destroy habitats and force animals to flee from their homes in search of safety. So, how do animals manage to survive such a destructive force?

Some species have developed extraordinary adaptations that help them endure forest fires. Take the black-backed woodpecker, for example. This remarkable bird is well-equipped to handle post-fire environments because it feeds on insects found in burned trees.

Other animals rely on their agility and speed to escape the flames. Deer, rabbits, and squirrels are known for their ability to quickly navigate through burning forests and find refuge in safer areas.

Burrowing creatures like groundhogs or gophers have an advantage during wildfires as they retreat underground where the heat is less intense.

Additionally, certain species have evolved with fire-resistant characteristics. Plants like some pines produce cones covered with resin that protects seeds from fire damage until conditions become suitable again for growth.

While many animals can adapt or escape forest fires, large-scale infernos pose a great threat to all wildlife populations. The loss of habitat and food sources makes it challenging for these creatures to recover after such catastrophic events.

Preventing forest fires through responsible human behavior is crucial in preserving wildlife habitats. Proper land management practices such as controlled burns can even benefit certain ecosystems by reducing fuel loads and promoting biodiversity.

In conclusion (not concluding), while some animals possess unique abilities allowing them to survive forest fires, the increasing frequency and intensity of these disasters due to climate change make it imperative that we take action now before more lives are lost – both human and animal alike!

4: How do we help wildlife survive climate change?

Climate change poses significant challenges to wildlife around the world. As temperatures rise and ecosystems shift, many species struggle to adapt to these rapid changes. So how can we help them survive in this changing environment?

One crucial step is preserving and restoring habitats. By protecting natural areas such as forests, wetlands, and coral reefs, we provide essential shelter and food sources for wildlife. Restoring degraded habitats can also help create more resilient ecosystems that are better equipped to withstand climate impacts.

It's also important to reduce our carbon footprint. By decreasing greenhouse gas emissions through cleaner energy sources and sustainable practices, we can slow down the rate of climate change itself. This not only benefits wildlife but also helps preserve the delicate balance of our planet's ecosystems.

Furthermore, promoting sustainable agriculture practices is vital for both human survival and wildlife conservation. Encouraging methods that minimize deforestation, soil erosion, and chemical use can protect habitats while ensuring a stable food supply for all creatures.

Collaboration between governments, organizations, scientists,

and communities is key in implementing effective conservation strategies.

By sharing knowledge and resources,

we can develop proactive plans that prioritize the needs of vulnerable species

and ensure their continued survival in a changing climate.

Ultimately though,

the future of wildlife relies on our ability

to address the root cause of climate change.

By taking collective action at every level - from individual choices

to international agreements - we have the power

to mitigate its effects on our precious biodiversity.

Let us remember that when it comes to helping wildlife survive climate change,

every little effort counts.


we can make a difference

for the sake of our planet’s incredible biodiversity

5: What kind of impact is climate change currently having on our wildlife?

Climate change is wreaking havoc on our wildlife, causing a multitude of negative impacts. Rising temperatures are altering ecosystems and disrupting the delicate balance that many species rely on to survive. For example, as temperatures increase, sea levels rise and coastal habitats such as mangroves and coral reefs are being destroyed. This directly affects marine life like fish, turtles, and seabirds who depend on these habitats for food and shelter.

Not only that but climate change is also causing more frequent extreme weather events such as hurricanes, droughts, and floods. These events can have devastating consequences for wildlife populations. Forest fires are becoming more intense and widespread due to drier conditions caused by climate change. Animals that cannot escape in time often perish in these fires.

Moreover, changes in precipitation patterns affect the availability of water sources which can lead to dehydration and famine among animals. Species with specialized diets or specific breeding requirements may struggle to find enough food or suitable nesting sites due to shifts in plant growth patterns caused by changing climates.

Climate change poses a significant threat to our wildlife's survival. Urgent action must be taken at both individual and collective levels if we want to protect the incredible biodiversity found across the globe from further harm caused by human-induced climate change

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6: What does the future look like for our wildlife if we do not combat climate change?

The future of wildlife hangs precariously in the balance as we continue to ignore the urgent need for action on climate change. If we fail to combat this global crisis, our beloved animals will face unprecedented challenges that threaten their very existence.

Rising temperatures and erratic weather patterns are wreaking havoc on ecosystems around the world. With each passing year, we witness more frequent and intense heatwaves, droughts, floods, blizzards, and mudslides. These extreme events not only destroy habitats but also disrupt crucial breeding cycles and migration patterns.

As temperatures soar, many species find themselves trapped in a hostile environment where they struggle to find food and water sources. The loss of biodiversity could be catastrophic as delicate ecosystems collapse under the strain.

For marine life, warming oceans pose a grave threat. Coral reefs are already suffering from bleaching events due to rising sea temperatures - an alarming reminder of how fragile these underwater wonders truly are.

Climate change also exacerbates existing threats such as deforestation and poaching by pushing vulnerable species further towards extinction. Without immediate action to curb greenhouse gas emissions and protect natural habitats, iconic creatures like polar bears or elephants may become mere memories within our lifetimes.

The consequences extend beyond individual species; entire ecosystems are at risk of unraveling if climate change continues unchecked. The interconnectedness between plants, animals, insects - every living organism - ensures that any disruption has far-reaching implications for all life forms involved.

But it's not too late to make a difference! By embracing renewable energy sources, implementing sustainable practices in agriculture and industry, supporting conservation efforts worldwide, and advocating for stronger environmental regulations from governments globally; we can still turn the tide.

We owe it to future generations – both human and animal – to act now before it is too late. Together with concerted efforts from individuals, families, governments, businesses, and organizations; we have hope that our wildlife can thrive once again amidst a changing climate.

It is time to work together and prioritize the preservation of our precious planet and its magnificent

Our planet and the animals that live on it are magnificent - check out the beauty by visiting Our Wildlife Photo Gallery

7: What organizations and political parties are the biggest threat with fighting climate change?

When it comes to fighting climate change, there are certain organizations and political parties that pose significant challenges. While many groups are actively working towards solutions, some have been resistant or slow to acknowledge the urgency of the issue.

One organization that has faced criticism for its stance on climate change is the fossil fuel industry. With their vested interests in maintaining profits from oil, gas, and coal extraction, these companies often lobby against regulations that would limit greenhouse gas emissions. Their influence extends to political campaigns as well, where they contribute significant sums of money to candidates who align with their agenda.

In addition to the fossil fuel industry, certain political parties have also hindered progress in combating climate change. Some conservative parties tend to prioritize economic growth over environmental concerns and may be skeptical about the science behind climate change. This skepticism can lead to policies that undermine efforts to reduce carbon emissions and transition towards renewable energy sources.

It's important to note that not all organizations or political parties fall into this category. Many environmental advocacy groups work tirelessly to raise awareness about climate change and push for policy changes at local, national, and global levels. Likewise, some progressive political parties have made addressing climate change a core part of their platforms.

Addressing climate change requires collaboration across sectors and ideologies. It's crucial for both public pressure and effective leadership from governments around the world if we want meaningful action taken on this pressing issue.

MojoStreaming is a platform like no other that takes on challenges such as poaching, trophy hunting, and political parties that cause a threat to the future of our wildlife.  Watch our talk shows and debates at Watch HERE

Finally: What is the first and most important thing we can do to prevent climate change?

The first and most important thing we can do to prevent climate change is to take action now. We cannot afford to wait any longer. Every individual has a role to play in this global issue.

One of the simplest ways we can make a difference is by reducing our carbon footprint. This includes making small changes in our daily lives, such as using energy-efficient appliances, driving less or carpooling, and conserving water and electricity.

Furthermore, supporting renewable energy sources like solar and wind power can have a significant impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By advocating for clean energy policies and investing in sustainable technologies, we can help shift towards a greener future.

Additionally, it's crucial that we educate ourselves and others about the importance of protecting our environment. By raising awareness about the consequences of climate change on wildlife and ecosystems, we can inspire more individuals to join the fight against it.

Holding governments accountable for their environmental policies is essential. Supporting politicians who prioritize climate action will ensure that necessary regulations are put in place to mitigate the effects of climate change on wildlife.

Remember: every action counts! Together, we have the power to protect our planet’s precious biodiversity from further harm caused by climate change. Let us act now so that future generations may experience a world teeming with diverse wildlife thriving under stable climatic conditions.

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  1 year ago
Dafuskie 1