A Shoot!
Grab your guns! Time for fun!
Don’t get over excited
Only a debate, like a Trap Shoot
Nothing live to shoot
Although that is the subject
Have gun, must shoot
Clay pigeon arguments! Disappointed!
A great debate
Hunting for conservation, not verses
Let your arguments fly
We’ll need to follow closely
Get it in our sights, as it speeds by
Fast response, must recognise the target
Well it may fly but gravity will bring it down
Those that are missed, still damaging
If not shot down - in flames is better
Two teams
Hunting is needed for conservation
How can it be?
Affirmation of killing goes first
Their argument flies
Conservation is expensive
How shall we be funded, well may we ask
Agreeing, the Negative lets it by
Less dangerous animals, less retaliation
Those that live with risk know
We’re not stalked on the ground
Too, let this argument go
No discharge
Not mostly endangered animals, little impact
Plenty of ungulates, need regulating
Less pressure on habitats
A half-hearted shot is taken
Still not the right target
Incentives for the local populations
Supposedly benefit as the money filters down
Works out at some cents, makes no sense
Incentivises to open up country for hunting
Protects more land than in Parks, apparently
Figures are dodgy, the clay pigeon goes wobbly
This one is hit, shatters in a puff of powdered clay
Blown out of the sky, dust trailing
Already 1.3 million square kms
Are open to Trophy Hunting
This would add more!
Adds up to more killing
Can’t equal more conservation
Still, not a good score for the negative
But are they in the right debate?
Both sides seeking alternatives kinder
(The hunters are not in this particular debate)
Conservation needs resourcing, not debatable
It’s the arguments that were not stated
That’s where the real problem is slated
‘Show me the money’ science doesn’t sit well
The refutation shots are loaded
For a game-changer
And for the recriminations?
Part 2. That’s Debatable (coming soon)
A.E. Lovell
TheOneMillionPoetry.com (launching in April)